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The Family Ministries

At Kingdom Impact Centre family is the foundation upon which all of life is built. As a family oriented church we place a great value on the individual family unit as well as the wider church family.

With the service of Ministries such as Christ Representers, Single and Marriage Ministries along with our ministry to families with New borns, we ensure that all families are receiving the best care and support possible. It is our firm belief that healthy families make healthy churches and healthy churches ultimately make healthy society.
So from our family to yours, we invite you to enjoy and to make use of family ministry.


Christ Representers 

Ages 3-12
Youth Ministry Ages 12-23
“Jesus is the Source” All youth must be plugged into the source. Christ Representers is a social network of children and youths stretching across Canada with a mandate to explore critical issues specially faced by youths and young adults between the ages of 12-23 and the role that God’s Kingdom plays in bringing solution to these issues. The fellowship is also tasked with developing and executing programs that ensure that youths are spiritually and educationally empowered, building healthy relationships and engaging in wholesome activities


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We invite you to hear the voice of the Master calling you, even as “Deep calleth unto deep” (Psalm 42:7).



Kingdom Impact Pakistan

Kingdom Impact Ministries is the department of the Life and Mission Agency responsible for the relationships between The Pakistan Church in Canada and overseas partner churches and agencies.


Phone: (437) 829-8855
Email: thekingdomimpactcentre@gmail.com

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